Севастьян Рабдано
Рабдано Севастьян Олегович
Дата и место рождения
22 июля 1991 года, г. Ленинград
Контактная информация
E-mail: sevastyan@rabdano.ru, sevastyan.rabdano@spbu.ru
Skype: seva-rabdano
Web: http://rabdano.ru
бакалавриат физического факультета СПбГУ, кафедра квантовых магнитных явлений. Тема бакалаврской работы: «Изучение микроструктуры гидратных оболочек β-аланина методами ЯМР-релаксации и квантовой химии». Научный руководитель: Донец Алексей Валерьевич.
магистратура физического факультета СПбГУ, кафедра ядерно-физических методов исследования. Тема магистерской диссертации: «Изучение свойств гидратации функциональных групп аминокислот глицина и бета-аланина по данным ядерного магнитного резонанса и квантово-химических расчетов». Научный руководитель: Донец Алексей Валерьевич.
специалист ресурсного центра СПбГУ «Магнитно-резонансные методы исследования».
С 2013
стажер-исследователь лаборатории биомолекулярного ЯМР СПбГУ
С 2014
аспирант физического факультета СПбГУ, кафедра ядерно-физических методов исследования. Тема диссертации: «Разработка экспериментальных методов импульсного ЯМР и методов вычислительного моделирования МД для характеризации структуры и динамики белков (протеинов)». Научный руководитель: Скрынников Николай Русланович.
Публикации и конференции
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. The study of hydration properties of functional groups of glycine and beta-alanine amino acids by nuclear magnetic resonance and quantum chemical calculations // Book of abstracts of International Symposium and Summer School in St. Petersburg “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter.” Saint Petersburg, 2014.
- Rabdano S.O. The study of hydration properties of functional groups of glycine and beta-alanine by nuclear magnetic resonance and quantum-chemical calculations: Master thesis. St. Petersburg: SPbSU, 2014. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Properties of hydration of distinct functional groups of organic molecules // Abstracts of the youth conference-school «Physical-chemical methods of analysis in organic chemistry”. St. Petersburg, 2013. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O. Microstructure and mobility in water solutions of amino acids as studied by NMR and quantum chemistry. / / Proceedings of the 10th winter youth conference “Magnetic resonance and its applications”. St. Petersburg, 2013. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O. Hydration of distinct functional groups of protein-like molecules // Materials of scientific online conference «Spectrometric analysis techniques». Kazan, 2013. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic effects in aqueous solutions of organic molecules // Book of abstracts International Symposium and Summer School in St. Petersburg “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter.” St. Petersburg, 2013.
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydration properties of functional groups of organic molecules in aqueous solutions // Proceedings of EUROMAR 2013. Hersonissos, Greece, 2013.
- Rabdano S.O. Temperature features of hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions // Proceedings of Interdisciplinary International Student Conference “Science and Progress.” St. Petersburg, 2013.
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydration of functional groups of glycine and beta-alanine // Proceedings of the 9th winter youth conference “Magnetic resonance and its applications”. St. Petersburg, 2012. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O. Properties of hydration of beta-alanine: the study by of NMR-relaxation and quantum chemistry methods // Abstracts of VII conference «Mendeleev-2012». St. Petersburg, 2012. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O. Study of microstructure of β-alanine hydration shells by NMR relaxation and quantum chemistry methods: Bachelor thesis. St. Petersburg: SPbSU, 2012. 45 p. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. β-alanine hydration shells in aqueous solution studied by NMR relaxation method and quantum chemistry // Book of abstracts International Symposium and Summer School in St. Petersburg “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter.” Saint-Petersburg, 2012.
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydration properties of organic molecules functional groups as studied by NMR-relaxation and quantum chemical calculations // Proceedings of XV International Youth Scientific School “Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application.” Kazan, 2012.
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydration properties of biological nanostructures in complex solutions // Proceedings of Interdisciplinary International Student Conference “Science and Progress.” Saint-Petersburg, 2012.
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. The microstructure of β-alanine hydration environment in water solutions // Proceedings of the 8th winter youth conference “Magnetic resonance and its applications”. St. Petersburg, 2012. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Hydration of Alanine in aqueous solution as studied by NMR-relaxation and quantum-chemical methods // Book of abstracts International Symposium and Summer School in St. Petersburg “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter.” St. Petersburg, 2011.
- Rabdano S.O. β-alanine hydration shells in aqueous solutions studied by NMR relaxation method and quantum chemistry // Proceedings of Interdisciplinary International Student Conference “Science and Progress”. St. Petersburg, 2011.
- Donets A.V., Rabdano S.O. Microstructure of complex solutions with organic molecules // Proceedings of EUROMAR 2011. Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2011.
- Rabdano S.O. New puzzles of the boomerang // Proceedings of Interdisciplinary International Student Conference “Science and Progress”. St. Petersburg, 2009. (Only in Russian)
- Rabdano S.O., Donets A.V. Study of double and triple systems by NMR-relaxation // Proceedings of the 6th winter youth conference «Magnetic resonance and its applications». St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2009.
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